Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Simply Marilyn

After the Espresso Sweater, I needed to cast on for a bit of instant gratification. I had been eying the Simply Marilyn sweater for a while- it uses a chunky weight yarn and has a simple cable.

I'm doing some modifications- more waist shaping (naturally) and I'll do something with the funky neckline. That pink is a little too girly-girl for me, so I stash dove and came up with something a bit less pretty.

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It's some RYC Soft Tweed by Rowan. It actually started out looking like this:


The "Oatmeal" colorway was reminding me of something that might be found in a cat litter box. The price was right, so I decided to try and overdye it with henna and alkanet. Much better now.

Here's the lack of progress so far:

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See the stitch holder I skewered it with? That's the point where I stopped doing the six row cable and somehow managed to start doing a 4 row cable and managed not to notice. Whoopsie. I frogged back to about 6 inches of knitting, but since it's chunky yarn, that's not as traumatic as I thought it would be.


  1. i like the dyed Rowan better, too! that's a fabulous sweater - can't wait to see more progress.

    i'm taking the Bee on her (his? undecided...) first trip this weekend - going to a SnB in the city. can't wait to show the wheel to everyone!

  2. Have fun this weekend! I've been meaning to post a farewell to the little guy.
